Date Yourself

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If you want to learn more about yourself dear, take yourself out for a cup of tea and have a good chat with any of the feelings that are dominant in your head at the moment. Take a notebook with you and write down some questions you want an answer to, then close your eyes,Read more

Everything Happens for Me

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Everything happens for me, not to me. This is my daily mantra. This belief has put everything into perspective for me. Every time life brings me something that I feel is hard to deal with, I get an opportunity to let go of resistance, surrender and open to learning something new. I remind myself thatRead more

Life in Color..

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When I started to follow my heart instead of only my mind, magic appeared in my life..Magic can be felt, seen, heard and even tasted in every moment of your daily experience..You can live a life where you wake up excited and curious every day. You can live a life that makes you go toRead more

What’s your purpose?

I truly believe that we all deserve to live our dreams. But most of us have a few inner blockages to get past to be able to do that. I will record a few videos that I hope will be helpful on your journey to live your dreams. First up. I’ll talk a bit aboutRead more


When I look at how I live my life today I can clearly see how limited my beliefs are. I’m not giving myself even close to what I desire, nor am I giving others what I am capable of giving. Now don’t you worry, I’m not putting myself down or anything like that, just observingRead more


Lately I have had this urge to share everything with everyone. I think I know what it is my soul is craving, it is authenticity. Meeting people in complete honesty, allowing everyone to see me and allowing myself to be seen. I am longing to be loved for who I am without veils or filtersRead more

Have you found your Unicorn?

Running around trying to get things done, having this feeling that I’m missing something. I’m not sure where I’m going anymore I must have lost something, but what? Then It dawned on me, I’ve lost my Unicorn! It’s not here anymore! I’m not sure when it happened or what I did to make it happened,Read more

Eating Right?

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Usually when you have bodily issues people ask you, are you eating right? Personally I don’t believe that there is one way that fits all, but I definitely believe that we have a personal right or wrong way. The trick is to figure out what works for you! I thrive on a Plantbased Vegan diet,Read more

Is it ever too Late?

I have been pressuring myself quite hard these last couple of years. See, according to my plans, I was supposed to release a new Album/Book 1 1/2 years ago…what happened, you might ask? Life did. I got a beautiful gift from the stars, my beautiful Son. I also managed to delete everything from my computer,Read more